





网络编辑 财经 2020-08-17 21:33:08 0 历史 模型 经济














作者简介:罗伯特·斯基德尔斯基(Robert Skidelsky):英国华威大学政治经济学荣誉教授。他的作品《凯恩斯传》获得了多个奖项,其中包括莱昂内尔·盖尔伯奖和美国外交关系协会奖。1991年,他获得终身贵族身份,1994年成为英国社会科学院院士。

English Version:

Through history we can see patterns of events and in the course of the last ten years, you've, had rise of populism. It's called populism because you can't think of anything else to call it but it is extremist politics. All attacking globalization and then history tells us that the last great wave of globalization which was in the late 19th centurythe last great wave of globalization which was in the late 19th century ended in a world war. Are we in danger of large hot wars as a result of the disturbance? If you're optimistic, we might learn from past events, if we fouled up last time, how not to foul up next time.

For students of economics it's extremely important to know where the doctrines they're studying came from. It's extremely important to know where the doctrines they're studying came from. Which country, which place and which time? Scientific economics grows in the 18th century. Why in the 18th century? Why not in the 14th century? It was located in a particular era and you have to know something about the circumstances of that era in order to understand why these doctrines were being proclaimed at this time. And similarly the Keynesian economics system. Why did it come about in the 1930's? Unless someone knows there was massive unemployment going on for years in that time, they might think it rather odd. Students have to know this thing so that they can resist the fib which their professors foist on them.so that they can resist the fib which their professors foist on them. Just learn these models. These models are the latest, best account we have of how the world works. Hey, wait a minute! Why didn't they have that model 100 years ago? Why did they have a different model? Why did Karl Marx arise as a major thinker? What was going on at the time of the Industrial Revolution? So, I think knowledge of history's incredibly important, for those reasons.

As for the history of economic ideas students should really be brought up against the fact that these ideas have been subject of dispute.that these ideas have been subject of dispute. There hasn't ever been a single idea It's only now, I think, that the economics profession has coagulatedon a single, a single Neoclassical Model. But throughout the history of economic there were a variety of models. They weren't called models then. In fact, once their called models that's the end of the, that's the end of the road, really. Because as the models become less and less congruent with the facts so I think the danger, the risk is that economics comes to be seen irrelevant. Unless it can renew itself and the signal for it's renewal has to be what went wrong 10 years ago.

Because this was the biggest economic horror story of the post-war years. And the models of the economist didn't capture it. They didn't think it was possible. They didn't know what to do about it. Now they claim everything's been fixed. But everyone realizes it really hasn't actually been fixed, and that we're liable to sort of relax.

History is very, very important and the tragedy is they do less and less history now. So, I think the challenge is, which economists face, Has already happened in a way. In not the exactly the same form but they've been there.

And we can learn how people previously tried to deal with them. But to be a good economist you have to have lots of things. You have to have history to be able to locate yourself in the past. You have to have psychology in order to get away from this ludicrous image of economic man. The human robot. You have to know some sociology in order to understand that humans are linked to each other. You have to know something about politics in order to understand power. So, it's not just history. It's a range of things. And maybe reduce the technique a bit because a lot of the technique is simply window dressing cosmetics. Just to say, Look I can do it!  Aren't I wonderful? But I don't know anything else but I can do the technique.

Rebalance! Rebalance the education of the economist. Rebalance the education of the economist. A bit less technique A bit more of the other stuff.

You know the great thing about history is it enables you to locate yourself in the flux. Events are in flux the whole time we're going from here to there. Where exactly are we located? History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes. Say you start to recognize where you are and what challenges might lie ahead.




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